Yana Vlatchkova har studeret i Danmark i tre år, og afslutter sin uddannelse i International Sales & Marketing Management hos Business Academy Aarhus til januar. Det er anden gang, at hun deltager i StartUp Weekend, og hun er ikke blot deltager, men har også været med til at organisere arrangementet.
Det var i sidste øjeblik, at Yana besluttede sig for ikke kun at være organisator men også deltager i StartUp Weekend Aarhus:
“In the last moment I decided that I cannot miss the chance of also participating because I’m here all weekend and I have this idea back in my mind. And if I don’t get this idea out now maybe it will have to wait for next StartUp Weekend or maybe I will never do it.”
Idéen hedder Wee Agree, og de har allerede oprettet en Facebook-side, og her bliver produktet præsenteret kort og præcist:
“Easy to use tool for virtualizing contracts between freelancers and contractors! No more misunderstandings! Have all the agreement details on one place! Skip the long pages of legal documentation that you don’t really need and have an easily crafted online contract!”
Yana forklarer, at Wee Agree primært at tiltænkt aftaler i mere uformelle sammenhænge:
“This is a typical situation where the freelancer can get misused, because it is really easy for the contractors to make additional requirements.”
Kontrakter kan desuden være meget vanskelige at gennemlæse og forstå, og det kan være frusterende:
“For informal relationships and small products you don’t really need such a contract and it’s a frustration for the freelancer to try to make the contract. For him it’s a waste of time.”
De har i gruppen derfor forsøgt at gøre denne kontraktproces både mere enkelt, men også sjovere. Derfor har de inddraget en form for gamification i værktøjet:
“The tool will provide basic guidelines for what kind of issues you should consider in a contract. So you have an interactive system and you drag and drop menus in the contract. Then besides that you have the guideline of what you should fill in. So the freelancer will play a bit with the system. For him it’s actually interesting to customize his contract template. He can apply his logo and he can play a little bit around. The crucial thing is that in the bottom you have the “Wee agree”. Then there is a bit of gamification around the contract.”
For Yana og hendes gruppe, der tæller hele 11 personer, betyder konkurrencen ikke helt så meget mere, fordi de alle er enige om, at de vil fortsætte med idéen uanset om de vinder eller ej.
“Failing is not an option because I already have this team that believes in the idea… it’s not so much about winning the competition. As people got passionate about it they want to see it happening, they want to share it with their friends and they want to help other people. So I think we will go ahead with the project, definitely.”
Hos Trendsonline synes vi idéen er spændende, og vi ønsker naturligvis Yana og resten af gruppen held og lykke!
[styled_box title=”Stort tak til vores sponsor” color=”white”]Her til sidst skal vi lige huske og sige tak til vores sponsor Østjysk Innovation til Startup Weekend, der gør det muligt at vi kan dække den så intens. Har du det rigtige team med den rigtige ide, så har Østjysk Innovation “Clever money for Clever minds”, se mere på deres hjemmeside www.oei.dk[/styled_box]